Top Reasons for Installing a Dedicated Circuit for Appliances
Does a circuit breaker trip whenever you use a hair dryer or microwave? If this happens frequently, it might indicate that those appliances are causing your home’s electrical system to become overloaded.
The National Electric Code (NEC) has a requirement stating that every major appliance, including dryers, washers, stoves, and refrigerators, should have its dedicated circuit.
An appliance equipped with a dedicated circuit has its own circuit breaker inside your home’s electrical panel. There won’t be another appliance powered by this circuit because it is “dedicated” to this single appliance.
Installing dedicated circuits will ensure each of your home’s major appliances has the power required to work properly and will not overload your electrical system.
Appliances Requiring a Dedicated Circuit
Below is a list of common appliances requiring a dedicated circuit.
- Air conditioning & heating units
- Central vacuums
- Dishwashers
- Dryers
- Electric ranges
- Freezers
- Furnaces
- Garage door openers
- Garbage disposals
- Microwaves
- Refrigerators
- Space heaters
- Wall ovens
- Washers
- Water heaters
- Water pumps
- Whirlpools/Saunas/Jacuzzis/Hot tubs
Dedicated Circuits and Safety
When a single source powers several large appliances, a single circuit might draw more electricity than it can safely handle. This hazardous situation can result in frequently blown fuses or tripped breakers.
An appliance connected to a dedicated circuit equipped with insufficient amperage or the wrong wire size can lead to overheating and an electrical fire. The safety of your family and home relies on appliances being correctly and safely wired.
Frequently Tripping Circuit Breakers
If your home is frequently experiencing tripping circuit breakers, it is a strong indicator that the installation of dedicated circuits is required. As set forth by the NEC, each fixed appliance must have its dedicated circuit. Moreover, any appliance equipped with a motor typically requires a dedicated circuit.
Electrical Peace of Mind
Providing professional electricians since 1988 in Maryland, Cook Electric is the company you can rely on for all your electrical service needs, including:
- Commercial & Residential Electrical Installations
- Marina & Residential Pier Wiring
- Electrical Service & Repair
- Specialty Electrical Services
For knowledgeable, fair, honest, reliable, and conscientious service, call Cook Electric today at (410) 266-9040. We will be very glad to help you.