electricians. installation, bathroom ventilation fan
Written by Larry Cook

Freshen Up Your Bathroom with a New Ventilation Fan – Part 1

If the air in your bathroom stays moist or stale too long even with the fan running, it’s probably time to install a new ventilation fan. You will have to consider the size of the bath, method of venting, and extra features to select the proper type. Part 1 will discuss the tips and advantages of a new bathroom ventilation fan. To obtain the best results, consult with a licensed electrician regarding your options and installation.

Effects of Moisture

Hot showers and long baths eventually result in negative effects on the condition of your house and perhaps health. Humidity and moisture in an enclosed bathroom create the ideal conditions for the growth of mold and mildew. Over time, both deteriorate wood, drywall, wallpaper, paint, and other building materials. In addition, mold and mildew are known to cause respiratory, nervous system, allergy, and mental health issues. A properly installed, functioning, and efficient bathroom ventilation fan will remove not only moisture, but also unpleasant odors and spores of mold. An exhaust fan is often needed to comply with building codes, particularly if a bathroom does not have a window.

Cost of Purchase & Installation

Innovation and new technology are making bathroom ventilation fans quieter, smarter, and more efficient. Modern models are now equipped with extra features such as motion-activated lights or heat-ex-changer ventilation. A homeowner should budget from $75 to $400 for buying a new bathroom ventilation fan and $250 to $500 to pay a licensed HVAC contractor for installation.


In older homes, bathroom ventilation fans were often configured to exhaust air into enclosed and unlit areas, such as attics, where humidity can condense on cool surfaces. As exhausted air is often filled with moisture, mold can grow and spread, causing damage to walls, floors, and ceilings. Building codes now require a more intelligent and healthy alternative, which is using vent ducts to channel exhaust outside a home.

Heat Exchange Ventilator Fan

A standard bathroom ventilation fan will remove warmed air from a home, causing a heater or furnace to work harder and waste energy. The solution is the installation of a heat-exchange ventilator fan, which utilizes warm exhaust air to heat incoming air that is cooler. This device will help save energy costs in the colder months, but heat ex-changer models are priced two times more than bathroom ventilation fans that are standard.

Part 2 will cover a bathroom ventilation fan’s important features.

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