Electric, Cook Electric, MD
Written by Larry Cook

Watch Out for Three Electrical Hazards this Winter

Maintaining and upgrading your home’s electrical wiring is crucial for safety, and this is clearly more the case during the colder months when people spend more time indoors. The following discusses three electrical hazards that you should be aware of during winter. Remember to work with an experienced licensed electrician for any type of electrical work in your home for safety and the best results.

1) Exposed Wires

The falls and winters of Maryland, especially for those who live near the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean, can get rough. When there is harsh weather filled with sleet, ice, and snow, it is wise to ensure that every exposed exterior electrical wire is in good shape and functioning properly. Outdoor electrical outlets and wires can get damaged in a short time by the elements. Ensure that they will last the whole winter by checking that they are insulated properly.

2) Frayed Wiring

Perhaps the most common wiring hazard, fraying or frayed wires may not be spotted before they cause a fire. These faulty wires are capable of generating sparks that result in very dangerous electrical fires. What can help prevent this deadly hazard is scheduling annual safety inspections by a licensed electrician. Homeowners can play their part by checking the wires and plugs of all appliances. Space heaters, which are used most often during the winter, should get special attention.

3) Overloading Circuits

Many people like installing additional lighting to brighten their homes during shorter and darker winter days. Unfortunately, this may lead to overloading electrical circuits. Older houses are especially vulnerable because their electrical capacities are incapable of handling the extra load. In order to prevent blown circuits, power loss, and other issues, consider upgrading your electrical panel and installing additional wall outlets. Your home will be safer and now able to handle modern electrical demands.

Electrical Peace of Mind

Providing professional electricians since 1988 in Maryland, Cook Electric is the company you can rely on for all your electrical service needs, including:

•Commercial & Residential Electrical Installations
•Marina & Residential Pier Wiring
•Electrical Service & Repair
•Specialty Electrical Services

For knowledgeable, fair, honest, reliable, and conscientious service, call Cook Electric today at (410) 266-9040. We will be very glad to help you.